Notice to Prospective Members and Permit Applicants
The Club Permit Scheme (CPS) allows members of the Jaguar Car Club of Victoria (JCCV) to have limited use of Vintage, Classic or Historic cars on the road network. Cars must be at least 25 years old at the time of application to participate in the scheme. Financial / current members of the JCCV are able to apply for either a 45-day or a 90-day Club Permit, depending on how much use they expect to make of their vehicles over a 12-month period. If you initially apply for a 45-day permit, you can extend it by another 45 days at VicRoads during the year if you find that usage may exceed 45 days.
It is essential that members and prospective members read the JCCV Club Permit Policy before submitting an application.
Prospective members applying for membership of JCCV for the purpose of operating a vehicle under the CPS should note the following:
- Please allow ample time for your Club membership to be processed in the normal course of Club business.
- Applicants for a CPS permit should be aware that Victorian Roadworthy Certificates have a validity of 30 days. This should be taken into account before submitting your application for a Club Permit.
- The Club Committee and Permit Officers are all volunteers and are here to help. Please treat them with the same courtesy that you would like returned to you.
PLEASE NOTE: given the significant benefits and modest fees of the CPS, abuse of the scheme could result in far-reaching implications for the individual, the Club and the permit scheme in general, such as:
- Fines for driving an unregistered vehicle;
- Loss of an individual's Club Permit;
- Loss of the Club's authority to operate the CPS;
- Cancellation of the CPS for all enthusiasts.
Road Safety (Vehicles) Regulations 2021