Club History

About us image

In 1962, a group of Jaguar enthusiasts gathered in an apartment in the inner Melbourne suburb of Prahran to share their love of this stylish and sophisticated marque and this gathering marks the very beginning of the Jaguar Car Club of Victoria. These trailblazing, passionate individuals elected Ian Harvie as president, Jack Whitehead as vice president, Ian Cliff as treasurer, and Ron Hann as secretary/editor to serve on the inaugural committee, cementing us as Australia's first-ever Jaguar Car Club.

As the club was established, there was considerable debate over what Jaguar models would be considered for inclusion.  SS Jaguars and models produced up to and including 1948 fulfilled the criteria.  Post-1948 models were considered modern luxurious touring cars and not in the category of “enthusiast vehicles”. It was eventually realised that limiting models would stagnate the growth of the club, so membership was opened up to all models.  There was a target of reaching 50 or 60 memberships in the years to come. Sixty years on, we have over 900 members. We certainly have come a long way.

In the early years, members enjoyed autokhanas at country properties, club runs, social outings and public displays. Today, we enjoy much the same. Our annual premier events include a Concours & Display Day at Wesley College where we showcase our Jaguars to the public, and a club sporting event, which started in 1980, at Winton Motor Raceway.

There were many varied meeting places over the years. Malvern, The Danish Club, The Royal Caledonian Society, Camberwell Town Hall and Auburn Heights Bowling Club to name a few. Increased memberships meant larger meeting places were needed. Purchasing clubrooms was discussed as far back as the 1970s. In 1989, this longstanding vision was raised again. Despite some opposition to the idea, a detailed feasibility study into the concept of buying a property was undertaken and presented to the members and the committee.

Once approved and with the drive and support of a small enthusiastic sub-committee, we were on our way to raffle an E-Type to raise the required funds. The Austin Healey Owners Club, who had already successfully raffled a Healey, gave generously of their advice and time. This was the most ambitious project our club had ever undertaken. Members united, selling raffle tickets in metropolitan and country Victoria. It was a huge success, and with funds in hand, we joined with the Austin Healey Owners Club to purchase a property to transform into shared clubrooms. Our clubrooms were opened in April 1993. They are discreetly located in the south-eastern Melbourne suburb of Springvale and provide members with a comfortable and relaxed club atmosphere. They offer a large meeting room equipped with full audiovisual facilities, a lounge room, a conference room, an extensive library, a merchandise shop, a kitchen, and a licensed bar. It has been a successful joint ownership for more than 30 years.

Members enjoying celebrating Anniversary

We have Model Registers,  Regional Registers and a Sporting Register. Each one plans events and activities for members to participate in. We all enjoy getting out as a group of like-minded enthusiasts on the open road in our Jaguars. The very essence of belonging to the Jaguar Car Club of Victoria is sharing a passion for Jaguars and working together to ensure the club thrives and continues.

The club is all about connecting people from all walks of life with varying interests in the Jaguar marque. Even if you don't own a Jaguar, you are welcome to attend any club events or meetings to express your admiration for the marque. You can always take your Jaguar experience to the next level by becoming a member to receive technical knowledge and many other benefits along with our monthly magazine CAT-A-LOG, which features informative articles, technical advice, and a calendar of upcoming sporting and social events. Click the link on our home page to download your free sample copy.

We schedule events all year long so that members, their partners, kids, and grandchildren can take part. Members and their families are encouraged to attend the monthly general meetings in our clubrooms, which offer a casual and welcoming atmosphere for members to meet and socialise, hear from special guests, and end the night with a catered supper. The JCCV takes pride in being an inclusive club that welcomes and supports all new members and their families.

Our members can participate in a variety of motor sports events in a safe and controlled environment on one of Victoria's many race circuits, including Winton, Phillip Island, Sandown and The Bend (SA). Our affiliation with the Marque Sports Car Association (MSCA) means that our members can also compete in a variety of interclub competitions, such as speed trials, regularity time trials, hill climbs, come-and-try days, driver training sessions, and sprints, for those who enjoy engaging in friendly competitions to fuel their passion.

Our Club has been authorised by VicRoads to operate under the Club Permit Scheme for veteran, classic, historic and street road vehicles. To read more about our operation of this scheme click on Club Permits above.

If you would like more information, please send an e-mail to or click on Contact Us on our Home page.